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HELP!! Setting gcode back in control panel.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 12:07 pm
by Postal911
I've been working on a piece that should take 17 hours to carve. I did what you shouldn't do and went to sleep. When I got up my piece was off the table. I had it taped down because I was doing caving to material size so couldn't clamp it. The question is does anyone know how to go in and move gcode back to a certain number. I'm at 381551 of 455072 and 84% done . If I can move it back to say 30000 I could save my project. Any help would be appreciated.


Re: HELP!! Setting gcode back in control panel.

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 10:10 am
by Kayvon
It kicked your piece off the table without destroying the piece first? Consider yourself (somewhat) fortunate.

The only way that I know of to pick up in the middle of gcode is to eliminate the preceding lines after the header but before the point at which you want to start. In order to do that, you'll need to know exactly where the spindle needs to be located at that line of gcode and insert an instruction to move it there first.

Adding the instruction is easy, but finding out exactly where that point should be is more complicated. For a short program, you could just follow the instructions yourself, keeping track of where it would end up. For a long one, you'll need to automate this somehow. You could write a gcode interpreter script to do that for you, if you're handy with computers. Otherwise, maybe someone can recommend an application with that capability. Short of that, maybe someone else would be willing to write such a script for you. Worst case, you could regenerate the gcode, but skip the paths that were already successful.

BTW, you'll have to perfectly align the piece to where it started for any of this to work. Do you have a way to do that?

Re: HELP!! Setting gcode back in control panel.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 12:27 am
by Postal911
Thanks Kayvon,
Decided to chuck it up to lesson learned. To bad it was about 20 or more hours into the carving.
Clamped the second one down an had no problems.

Thanks again,

Re: HELP!! Setting gcode back in control panel.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 6:08 pm
by Kayvon
Glad to hear it. If you can, post a picture of it. We'd love to see what you made.