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Re: Desktop Icon size (was FINALLY - I'm getting in.)

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 10:36 am
by Rando
You can change the size of desktop items by clicking on the desktop, holding down the control key, and scrolling the mouse wheel, assuming the mouse has a wheel.

Re: FINALLY - I'm getting in.

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 5:16 pm
by sharkcutup
Yup it sure does! :lol:
Kidding aside yeah I have a mouse wheel. I use it all the time. Handy gadget! Will have to try your recommendation a go sometime too!


Re: FINALLY - I'm getting in.

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 5:50 pm
by Rando
LOL....I'll bet THAT takes one mighty middle finger to turn!

Re: FINALLY - I'm getting in.

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 7:41 pm
by sharkcutup
Just imagine the size of the mouse it would fit into, LOL!


Re: FINALLY - I'm getting in.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 4:31 pm
by NLAlston
Yes, I HAD found that stepping my desktop screen up a notch did, indeed, make it a bit easier on these eyes :). I appreciate the input given, though. But, I was actually making reference to the size of the Axiom's pendant screens. I've never seen one, physically, but have read where many Axion CNC owners have wished that said screens weren't with the reading difficulty that's inherent to them. Not that ALL of the displayed data was causative of a squinting action in order to read them - but that enough of them WERE. I'm sure, though, that it's a hurdle which CAN be overcome. Even though I (normally) wouldn't favor the idea of having a computer in my shop (for the concerns of dust), I wouldn't mind picking up a cheap laptop, or tablet, by which to avail myself of a larger viewing real estate - that is, IF it were possible to outfit my Axiom Precision Iconic with the UCCNC control setup, without to much to do.

But, I will rise above whatever CNC challenge is to meet me.