Forum Rules/Guidelines

Anything and everything CNC-Shark-related

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Re: Forum Rules/Guidelines

Post by jeb2cav »

As the only person I know of outside of Rockler who has admin privileges to this forum, I thought I'd throw in a few comments in the feeble hope that those who read this as new users have an opportunity to make their own assessment and judgement.

The reason I have admin privileges is as a now pseudo volunteer to activate registrations in a timely manner and also get rid of spam. I say pseudo as I find a gift card in my mail every now and then which I diligently use.

Rockler has a policy with regard to deletions on this forum that in the end would require a small nuclear event before an item would be deleted. While I have recommended some over the past year, they have chosen to just live with it in the hopes that it in the end it is harmless and temporal (my description here, not the words of the PM or Marketing team at Rockler). This is not the policy at the Vectric forum for example, but that is what Rockler is choosing to do.

Now it is possible John (Joraft) that one of your posts may have been deleted when I removed a set of my posts on a topic and you had a comment somewhere in the middle. I deleted my posts as a user, not as an admin. I'm not that familiar with exactly how this forum software is setup, and it may be that if the originator of the post removes all of their content, then the system just removes the post - idk. If that occurred, I apologize for not knowing the outcome when I delete my own posts in a situation like this.

Again, what I do know is that Rockler doesn't delete posts.

We did have a recent post on clip art that was realized by the originator and participants (myself included) to be breaking copyright/royalty issues - and the components of those threads were removed. As already pointed out and acknowledged, a post explaining this would have been nice - and a good lesson learned on administering the forum going forward in these cases.

Beyond that, there have been no removals of posts by Rockler, so there are no notices sprinkled around in the history of the forum.

For Doug - I can understand how you might sense some holes in the conversation. I think that with time on this or any other forum, you'll get a sense that it is mostly the nature of the beast. The most likely occurrence is that the originator of the question never responds back to say whether that worked, or was useful, or they are still stuck, or they figured it out and here's what they did. Again, in this forum's case, the author of any post can delete their post - they put it up, Rockler grants them the ability to take it down.

But for clarity for you and other new users - in this lengthy series of notes - ... 7&start=10 - I had made several posts as a participant. In the end, I went back and deleted all of my posts as a user (one at a time with my user credentials) as it was clear to me that this discussion had no allowance for differing opinions, and those differing opinions were being labelled as attacks by me. Now this might be in stark contrast to the goals and pre-requisite conditions some seem to think Rockler is obligated to maintain, but that's how I saw it. And in fact Rockler far exceeds all of this in their current policy. What I didn't do as an admin, nor did Rockler as admin, remove any quotations used from these posts of mine from others' posts. So, that one can be confusing.

Again, for the most part, forum threads can seem a little bit hinky in sequence and resolution. In my experience and opinion, it is the nature of the beast (forums in general).
Joraft wrote:The primary purpose of any forum is the sharing of thoughts, ideas, and opinions. When those thoughts, ideas, and opinions are minipulated by a few members the over all value is reduced.
You can all choose to believe what I've stated above with regard to the actual result of Rockler's policy with regard to deletion or not. With regard to this last quote from John (Joraft) - I continue to fail to see why you would even say this on this forum. And frankly, it's not a comment that I am willing to sit idle and not express my opinion of and experience of 16 months of forum membership and participation. No individual member has the ability to manipulate anyone's posts (except me, and I don't do that because that is Rockler's policy).

There is no evidence of this 'manipulation by a few members' - at least in my opinion and to my knowledge (which dates back to Sep 2010). If a member or guest has the time to read through the forum by date, you'll see all sorts of customer reported problems and issues with the Shark, NWA, Rockler - along with lots of good ideas from Rockler, NWA and fellow members on how to resolve them, and good ideas on how to get the most out of the tool, and examples of what and how things have been made with the Shark. It's all there, good bad and indifferent - agree or not.

So, if you are new to the forum, or a guest just checking this out, I have not experienced or observed any manipulation by a few members, I know that Rockler's policy is that they will not delete threads short of a nuclear event, for what that is worth to you.

Lastly, regardless of what I'd personally like to see this forum be or do, or what the goals or objectives should be in any of our minds, Rockler has stated what the purpose and objective for this forum are:
CNC wrote: This forum is a resource for current and prospective CNC Shark Owners to share information and advice about using CNC Shark products in a respectful and encouraging manner.
I've enjoyed participating, I've enjoyed being able to be a part of a community even from a distance, I've certainly received my share of information and advice about using the CNC Shark (good, bad and indifferent), and I've enjoyed helping a few folks be successful with this system. I'm also not going to foist my own standards on Rockler beyond their stated objective and goal - even though I've never been concerned with the value as obviously I'm still learning and participating - so it's good and working for me.

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Re: Forum Rules/Guidelines

Post by Joraft »

Joraft wrote:
The primary purpose of any forum is the sharing of thoughts, ideas, and opinions. WHEN those thoughts, ideas, and opinions are minipulated by a few members the over all value is reduced.
jeb2cav wrote:
... With regard to this last quote from John (Joraft) - I continue to fail to see why you would even say this on this forum. And frankly, it's not a comment that I am willing to sit idle and not express my opinion of and experience of 16 months of forum membership and participation. No individual member has the ability to manipulate anyone's posts (except me, and I don't do that because that is Rockler's policy).
I was responding to comments of others who mentioned posts being edited. I have not experienced that personally, so I should have said IF instead of WHEN.

All I know for sure is that one of my posts disappeared, I don't know how or why. Now that I know to do so would be against administrative policy I'll assume that it was unintentional and I won't worry about it.

I've been involved in moderating forums of many types for many (17) years, and I currently own and operate my own woodworking based forum, so I do understand both sides of these kinds of issues.

All in all, I do agree that this forum is a valuable and indespensible resource for CNC Shark owners.

al wolford
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Re: Forum Rules/Guidelines

Post by al wolford »

To everyone that has provided feedback on this general subject of what I will choose to call "censorship" I would like to say thanks. I appreciate everyone's concern.
I am being very honest when I say that I don't know of any post that has been intentionally deleted because the subject of the post was deemed "not encouraging". by myself or any other individual with similar rights as an administrator/moderator. Any such deletion would have been completely accidental.
I encourage anyone that believes such an occurrence happened to send me a personal message with details.
I agree that the interpretation of encouraging vs. non-encouraging or constructive vs. destructive can be subjective but we are trying to be respectful and fair to all members that enthusiastically use this forum to connect with the Shark user community.

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Re: Forum Rules/Guidelines

Post by REG »

Mr. Wolford, bravo on a clear stand on circumstances regarding post. Joe also confessed a bit of "learning" on how to edit a post as a administrator. That was my point, if a post must be deleted or edited a moderator or administrator comment stating "parts of this post was removed in effort to comply of copyright protection" or "post was edited/removed because the author mis-steped the values of this forum of posting".
I had no intent of invoking challenges to anyones "freedom of speach" (even on a privately run forum that is a very sensitive issue).

That all said, since it was mentioned compared to Vectric forum, I will bring up another item to compare to Vectric; when the forum member at Vectric ensues a challenge, there are a number of folks at Vectric that participate. Though all forums are members helping members it is nice to have the participation of the Vectric team. Here, Tim often drops in but he seems so busy. Additional members from Next Wave Automations and Rockler posting and responding would seem to promote a healthy forum enviroment.


Doug Mel
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Re: Forum Rules/Guidelines

Post by Doug Mel »

I'm hoping my earlier comments didn't come off wrong, hurt feelings, or step on toes. My only intent
was to agree that in future a comment might help someone new like me to know that you are indeed
following along step by step and not just totally lost. From what I have read on this forum there is a
great group of people who are willing to take anyone by the hand and lead them to a very constructive end.

As I have not yet received my Shark HD, I have nothing better to do at this point but read and dream!
With nothing to try some of the hints, tips, and tricks on it only leaves my head to get things worked
out in,that can be a small and lonely place to be in, even so I believe that i'm learning alot. I Just hope
that when I do finally get to make chips fly that I truly have learned.

Merry Christmas to All

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Re: Forum Rules/Guidelines

Post by rungemach »

Perhaps it may help if we look at "Administering" as a different thing than "Moderating".

The expectation may be that a "moderator" is someone who is like the impartial referee,
that does not promote one set of values or ideas, but tries to insure fairness and openness in conversation.

The "adminsitrator(s)" might be defined as doing the housekeeping things which keep the wheels turning and the system running in accordance with the principles and rules established by the owner(s).

As there seems that there may not be a great presence felt by an active "moderator" (and that may be a good thing as there has not been much of a need),
it falls on the members of the community to become self moderating in their behavior. (an even better thing).

So it's all our responsibility to keep the forum a place where differing opinions can be heard for their merits and responded to.
The same comment may be encouraging to some and discouraging to others. (glass half full or half empty).

The problems begin when we start to talk about people rather than about things or entities.

I also hope we can also have some latitude for those in the midst of a frustrating experience, as we have all been there at one time or another.
If it has to get personal, it most likely does not belong in the forum.

All in all, IMHO this is a tremendously helpful and talented group, and in the end the forum will be as good as we all make it.

Looking forward to a great 2012..


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