2d to 3d

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2d to 3d

Post by TexasCowboy »

I am new to cnc router operation and haven't even bought one yet, but I am looking at the Shark Pro plus HD. What will I have to do, if it is even possible, to turn a two dimensional drawing into a three dimensional carving.

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Re: 2d to 3d

Post by tonydude »

Go to www.vectric.com and download the trail versions of the programs and view the tutorials for them. This way you will know how to run the programs when you get the machine. To go from 2d to 3d use aspire or you can buy the 3d models from http://www.vectorart3d.com/


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Re: 2d to 3d

Post by Dash »

Hey, Tex... Where are you Located?

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Re: 2d to 3d

Post by sk8nmike »

Hey Tex, I'm going to interupt your thread for a monent. You and Dash might be interested in this. The Rockler Store in Plano has started a Shark users group, we meet the first Tuesday of each month 7:00 PM at the Rockler Store.

Now back to your thread..

Tex, if you're thinking of a program the will render a 2d object into a 3d object I'm afraid you won't find it, I know I'd like to. Patterns to carve come 4 ways, you draw them yourself, you scan them with a touch probe or a 3d scanner, or you buy them from someone else or you find a freebe.

I've gone through several programs (MOI, Silo, Blender, ZBrush, MeshCAM and a few custom programs) and for the money Aspire is hard to beat. You can get a trial package at Vectric.com

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Re: 2d to 3d

Post by Dash »

Hey there...Thanks for the info. Don't get to DFW for reasons you know. May have to start. Like to shake your hand...
Sure are gonna look that address up and go shopping. Everythings better in person.
The info is great to know about changing 2d to 3d...Never thought about it.

Tex, Keep looking at this forum and look at, maybe, where you can show off your projects. There are a few carvings that are found at other venders other than Vectric. Do not get me wrong: Vectric RULES!! There are so many ideas floating around in cyberspace......

This site: http://www.vectorart3d.com/Quote/ will take a pic or a scan of a project you are looking at and design a 3-d "cut-out" from a 2-d pic...There is a fee but, the customer can absorb some of the cost of that.
While you are looking at this site, check out the other models. You very well may find what you are looking for.
Good luck!

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Re: 2d to 3d

Post by TexasCowboy »

Sorry I haven't been on here in a few days. I went and looked at the Shark Pro at the Rockler store in Houston. For $4000 for the HD I wasn't very impressed. The routed samples he had were rough, and very poor quality. I could do better with hand carving tools. I downloaded the trial version of Vcarve and cut3d and started working with them to try to determine if what I need to do can be done with this cnc router. I really need to talk to, and see one of these machines in a service environment before I lay out that kind of money.
I was told that cut3d could open coreldraw files, but the only format that matches is dxf and it isn't 3d dxf. Wouldn't open it.
I live in Cleveland, Texas. 45 miles north of Houston..
I am concerned about the duty cycle. The salesman at Rockler told me that the Porter Cable series 890 could only run for about 30 minutes before it would have to be shut off for about an hour to cool off. I need something that can run longer than that. At least 8 hours at a time. To me, this looks more like a toy for home hobbyists, instead of a real tool for a small woodworking shop.
I'd love to be proved wrong on this. I have a salesman coming today to talk to me about a real CNC machine. ($32,000 price tag.)

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Re: 2d to 3d

Post by lanceputnam »


Heres the deal-

Chances are that the guys that made those sample peices were not experts on setting it up and running it. The peices most likely looked "rough" due to the quality of wood they were using and the setup in the software and also the quality of the bit. If you use the software properly, IE: setting up the proper FRO and speeds along with the proper stepover % for your wood it will come out clean as hell. I have had no issues when tuned properly with my machine. I have however had issues using Rockler's bits that came with the Shark and I will not use them ever again. They do not seem to make as clean of cuts as I need.

Router: I have and am currently running a Dewalt 618. I love it. I have run it for up to 6 hours non stop with no issues what so ever. I was nervous about the duty cycle in the beginning as well. When I ran it for my first 1.5 hours cut I sat there and watched it the whole time. I checked it every 5 mintues with an IR temp probe and it never once went more than +/- 2 deg F. I would imagine that the PC would perform nearly the same. If you get a good DC setup on yours it will also help keep air moving around it and aid in cooling which essentially dictates your duty cycle.

Also, as with anything, I am a perfectionist by trade. No matter how clean the peice comes out I always go after it with some sandpaper in the grooves to aid in appearance. This has been the same for me both on the Shark and on industrail machines.

Hope this has helped. Thanks.


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Re: 2d to 3d

Post by sk8nmike »


The Shark is a home use machine, althought I have no problems running my Bosch router for 9 to 10 hours at a time. If you're going to use this for any kind of production work you'll want to start looking a units that use Servos and Spindel motors normally in the $10k and up range. As for quality of work I'll put up one of my carvings against the same pattern on any unit you choose. Bit selection and experence are the main factor in quality of work.

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Re: 2d to 3d

Post by jeb2cav »

Well - I wouldn't let the sample at the store or a total lack of use knowledge by the store folks concern or confuse you.

To get a reasonable sense of what some folks have been able to create using a Shark (even the small one) - see the Project Gallery.

I have a ProPlus so am using 1hp Colt and DeWalt routers. I routinely run them for 6-12 hours at a shot. I can't imagine any difference when I upgrade to the HD and a larger router.

So, in my case, I made the choice for the Shark as I didn't need to spend $12-40K. You might, but again, I wouldn't let what you saw in the store be your primary indicator of utility or capability. I suspect you've seen some products made from wood where the builder had the high end delta saw, and all the accessories, yet it wouldn't sell at a yard sale.

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Re: 2d to 3d

Post by TexasCowboy »

Considering how many Shark Pro Plus HD I could buy for the $32,000 of that other machine, I am looking at this one again. More research has shown that the router itself can be expected to stand up to the duty cycle despite what Porter Cable tech told me. A lot was riding on that trip into Houston. I am disabled and can not drive. someone else had to take 4 hours out of his day to take me to the store. I expected answers that I did not get. I intended, and was ready to buy the Shark HD, but was so disappointed by the presentation that I left with only a tongue and groove router bit to show for my effort.
I will still probably buy it. I am interested in the 4th axis upgrade since that would add a tremendous amount of useability to it for my business. I would really like to know if it will accept the 7518 3 1/4 hp Porter Cable Router. That would be a deal clincher for me.

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