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Pause Button Failure

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 7:57 am
by thepuchman
My son ran his first part on the HD Pro Plus for a school project. When I hit the pause button so he could remove a cut off scrap from the table the program and machine kept running but it raised the Z axis about 2". The scrap was not going to hurt anything so I hit the continue tab to see if Z would drop back down. No Luck. It continued running above the part. I do not feel real safe now knowing the machine may not stop when the pause button is hit. Has anyone else had this happen? I did hit E-Stop and ran the program again. It ran just as it should.

Re: Pause Button Failure

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 2:31 pm
by Eagle55
My limited experience with the pause button has been that it stop running the program right were it is (with router still running) and stays there until you resume. I have never seen that action with pause. I guess I feel a little uneasy about messing with it while its working although I don't have any experiences to make me feel that way... yet.


Re: Pause Button Failure

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:50 pm
by Wolffie1
I have never seen the pause button raise the router but perhaps it was at that stage in the job anyway?
I have, however, had the program freeze when I hit the pause button and had to start all over again.
When you hit the pause button, the program pauses but the router keeps running so I usually hit the off button on the router then, when I have finished what I was doing, start the router again before I hit resume.

Re: Pause Button Failure

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:47 pm
by thepuchman
I was past the point in the program where it lifted out of the inner contour and was moving to the outter contour. Once it was clear of the scrap I tried to pause it. That is when it raised higher and continued to run instead of stopping. It also displayed the height on the screen but the height was not the programmed height. It should have dropped to -.100 and be cutting material.

Re: Pause Button Failure

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:39 am
by 4DThinker
Pause doesn't turn off the router in my experience. It just stops the G-code progression in place. Resume would then continue from that spot. E-Stop stops both the router and the G-code, but then resets the G-code to the beginning. I've seen X and Y coordinates lose (or gain) an inch or two but that was always due to trying to cut outside the travel limits. If the router didn't slip up into the clamp, and the bit hadn't slipped up into the router, then you found a code glitch. Might have happened when a bit was dropped as the PC tried to handshake with the controller over USB to carry out your Pause. Check that your USB cable is snug on both ends. Try swapping to a different port on the PC. Try a new USB cable. This may be a glitch you will never see again, or you could intentionally try to recreate it to get your confidence back. Air cut the same job again (Z0 set ABOVE the work not on it), and pause it at roughly the same place. You don't even have to have the router on. If you can recreate it, then we have something for support to work on. If you air cut the same job a few times and can't recreate the Z jump then chock it as a digital adventure. You'll have more than one with your Shark.

Re: Pause Button Failure

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:35 am
by thepuchman
I have used pause several times without any problems. It works the same as Feed Hold and does not turn off the spindle. I was just curious if anyone else had a simmilar incident happen. I will try it again today to see what happens.

Re: Pause Button Failure

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:47 pm
by Shipfitter
Yes, there is a glitch hiding in that pause button. I have found that if you use it to many times, it will cease to work properly, and you will have to shut down the control panel and re-start it. I have also found that once I was using that pause button and it re-set 0,0,0 and offset where I was working about 2 inches. (Had to re-set up). So, I expect that bugger to act up when I do my work now, so I try and limit use of that button whenever I can.

Re: Pause Button Failure

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:56 pm
by thepuchman
Thant might explain some other problems I have had but never noticed the connection. I cut out a door for a whiskey bottle display box. Inner profile for the window turned out off center by about a 1/2 or 3/4 inch. Ran the job again and it turned out fine. Thanks for the reply.