Wrong Depth

Questions/answers/discussion about initial setup of your CNC Shark

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Wrong Depth

Post by sinardet »

Hi, i bought my shark pro plus just 2 weeks ago and i tried it with fews sample with good result about X and Y but not Z.
I use mm for measurment and control panel software and Vcarve in mm.
Each time,I change and start a new toolpath i set 0 Z on the top of the board and i can't get a accurate depth, i have some small differences not a lot like sometime millimeter or less.
I clean very well my cnc bench before i start anything.
Please let me know, if you got the same trouble and how to correct it.
Thanks for your help ;)

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Re: Wrong Depth

Post by Consultingwoodworker »

My first thought was to insure that your table is parallel to the plane of the head.

You can check this by setting the bit (with the router OFF) close to the table. Ideally, you should have a block and set the bit so that the block fits snug between the bit and table. Move the head around and check to see if the block gets tighter or looser.

The other thing is that if e material is not dead flat, then your depth would change (relative to the surface) with the cuts.

If all that checks out, insure that the Z axis screw is properly secured to the motor. There is a tendency for the couplers to loosen.


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Re: Wrong Depth

Post by sinardet »

Thanks for all informations.
I would like to know if I draw with Autocad and after import it to Vcarve, can it get trouble.
I read this on some chat, but I can't believe it because, I drew it in 2D so without Z Axis and I determinate the depth in Vcarve.... ;)
Could you tell me what do you think about that.


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Re: Wrong Depth

Post by 4DThinker »

I often get drawings from college students using AutoCAD to cut on my CNC. Curves usually show up as many short vectors, and should be converted to actual arcs or bezier curves. Otherwise they cut horribly slow. AutoDesk is known for changing up their file formats, and so not every DWG or DXF I get opens cleanly. Usually I have the students Save As an earlier version of DXF/DWG until we find one that works.

I have access to AutoCAD but much prefer using VCarve Pro (6.5) to build the drawings I cut for myself. The tools seem very optimised to the tasks at hand, but do take some getting to know. I've gleaned several useful tricks by watching the videos Vectric provided on their downloads site.


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