Radius cutting

Discussion about the CNC Shark Pro Plus

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Radius cutting

Post by Chips »

Hi everyone,

Needs some help. Been using my Shark Pro Plus about two years now. Had a few issues some self induced and some gremlin related. Today, I noticed gouging in some radius cuts. Happens with Vbit, Em, and Bn. The gouges are not severe but they do look ugly. See attached pictures. The gouges seem to occur in the same place each time. Tried everything I can think of ie. changed bit, lubed with Teflon silicon, tried different radius file, moved board to different location on table, changed FRO slower and faster. Nothing seems to help. So before I break the Shark down thought I'd reach out to the Forum for comments.
Machine settings. FR 100, PR 20, FRO 50.

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Re: Radius cutting

Post by Wolffie1 »

If the gouges are that persistent, then it seems like there is a flaw in your model.
Try an enlarge is as much as possible and look at the part here the gouge is, perhaps there is a slight flaw in the vector?

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Re: Radius cutting

Post by 4DThinker »

Looks like the gouges are occurring when the bit cuts uphill against end grain. You might try a climb cut (reverse the direction of the tool path) to see if that helps. I don't know how old your bit is, but a new one might reduce the tearing as well. Faster bit speed, slower feed rate will take smaller bites and might get through it. I see this more in soft woods than hard, and much more with dull bits just using a hand or table router.

Good luck. I know one thing I hoped CNC technology would do would be to make woodworking "perfect". Unfortunately wood is not a homogeneous material, and some pieces/species just refuse to cooperate.

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