Another New Guy

Discussion about the CNC Shark Pro Plus

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Another New Guy

Post by lazym »

I have been messing with Carvewright for two years now (and three seperate machines-one sent back three time). I am so darn frustrated that I would like to take an axe to it. I bought it thru Sears and all I can say is, don't EVER buy a Carvewright wheather it be from sears or the manufacture.
I have been looking at this Shark Pro and I am just about ready to put the money into it. The majority of the feedbacks look real good and I don't wany to step in a pile of sh.. like I did with carvewright/compucarve. I guess I am just gun-shy after the licking I have taken.
Can I do the same work as the carvewright machine does? I want to be able to make simple signs and signs with raised letters and objects. The other question I have is about learning to use it. I get mixed feelings when I read the reviews. If I have a good working knowledge of the carvewright will that give me a jump on this machine?
Thanks for any input you can give me.

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Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:12 am

Re: Another New Guy

Post by GARYR6 »

With any new system there are some learning curves. When you read some of the posts you think, OH NO . But there are many more of us that have never really had any problems. Everything worked, and we have been happily cutting hundreds of things with no complaint. It is heads and shoulders above the cavrewrite. Look to vectrics site to learn about the software ( You will spend more time with the software than learning the machine.
I've cut hundreds of signs both simple and complex and many 3D objects.
99% of my issues have be operator error. And the few machine issues have be fix with in reason.
If you have any doubt about what the machine can do go to Vectric site and look at the gallery. I would say almost all of us shark users are on the site because of the software.
And don't forget to ask... most of us have made the mistakes you are about to......And we still love our machines.

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