Everything it cuts is 1/4 scale!

Discussion about the CNC Shark Pro Plus

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Everything it cuts is 1/4 scale!


So we have a new Shark Pro Plus and on initial setup, everything it cuts seems to be roughly about 1/4 scale of the actual toolpath or program. For example, if you program text to be cut at 1" tall, 16" long, and 0.250" deep, it will only cut it 1/4" tall, 4" long, and 0.062" deep. Is there something that we are missing here? I feel like there is a simple step that im overlooking.


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Re: Everything it cuts is 1/4 scale!

Post by REG »

A couple things that might be the issue. One would be a simple "are you using metric by accident"?
If this is a simple layout on material say 6" X 10" make certain you are within the parameters of your material size. Another thought is did you frame in the text with a vector box (a text box within a vector box)? If so, double check your vector box size. Also check preview your toolpath and watch what would happen as the software shows how your carve with on the CNC. Hope this helps.


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Re: Everything it cuts is 1/4 scale!


First off, thanks for the reply. I am sure that it is set to inches and not to metric. The tool path preview shows everything going off without a hitch and i did not use a vector box in the program. I just used the "insert text" button and typed the text and then clicked the button to center the text in the material. I am stumped. Any more ideas?

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Re: Everything it cuts is 1/4 scale!

Post by REG »

I understand that you are setting your text size in the text editor. Try this, set your text box, then close the text editor. Then on the 2D layout select the text box until the control "handles" are shown. "Pull" the control handles to expand the text to the size/orientation you desire on your material.
Other than that I can't really think of what else the problem could be. If that doesn't work, PM me and we will swap emails and you can send me the file. I am doing some sign lettering through this week so I can easily try your project and see if it behaves differently on my machine.


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Re: Everything it cuts is 1/4 scale!


Thanks Bobby. I'll try using a box and sizing it. Ill let you know how it works out later today!

Thanks again,

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Re: Everything it cuts is 1/4 scale!


Ok, We have tried everything and still have no solution. Every file, program, or sample, is cut at 25% of the programmed x,y, and z sizes. It scales all vectors down to 1/4 of what they should be. it is beyond me. Even the sample files provided with vcarve are cut 1/4 scale.

Any Ideas anyone?

Thanks, Pat.

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Re: Everything it cuts is 1/4 scale!

Post by theremin »

I wonder if the "multiplier" value in the post processor is incorrect. According to the "Post Processor Editing Guide":
Multiplier Value
The multiplier value is used to multiply the value to output a different value.
Common reasons for wishing to do this are:
To convert the default output of an Inch post processor, from inches per minute to inches per
second, (Multiply by 0.01666).
To convert the default output of a Metric post processor, from mm per minute to mm per
second, (Multiply by 0.0166).
To make positive values negative (and vice versa), (Multiply by -1).
To convert the output of an arc angle from radians to degrees, (Multiply by 57.2957795).
To multiply or divide by a fixed factor (I.E. produce 1:4 scale model, Multiply by 0.25)
Just a thought. Might be that the post processor needs to be downloaded again.


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Re: Everything it cuts is 1/4 scale!


I have re-downloaded several times with the same end result. How/where would i be able to see the multiplier? Can this be changed?

Tim Owens
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Re: Everything it cuts is 1/4 scale!

Post by Tim Owens »

you might have a controler that is not being sensed correctly.
The Pro and Plus have differnet setting and it might be thinking hou have a pro.
please contact me at towens@nextwaveautomation.com with your phone number so I can call you and confirm

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