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Probe Error 22 and not saving STL file

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:49 pm
by JimMills
Jim Mills Here from American Woodworking Academy

I Have also contacted Al Wolford and Tim Owens on this same thing.

I just had a student and his wife in for a class on the CNC Shark.

They had just bought a Shark Pro Plus from Rockler here in St. Louis, and

they brought it to class and we set it up and they learned how to program

VCarve Pro 6.0.

We made several projects and routed them ok.

Yesterday we installed their Probe and updated control Panel and started to

use the probe.

Everything went well until the probe was finished and we received an Error

22, and the probe software did not save the STL file.

We tried it again, same results.

We uninstalled the control panel software and reinstalled, same results.

The Settings we had on the probe were
Scan Limits
x = 3"
y = 2"
z = 1/8"

Step Sizes
x = .05"
y = .05"

Scan Velocity
20 In/Min

We are running on a laptop with only what's needed to run the CNC on it.
It has Windows XP updated completely.
I checked all of the forums and could not find any mention of any errors

using the Probe or Controller Software related to our problem.
Hopefully you have heard of this problem and give some Help on this


As They Have returned home I no longer have use of the probe, but I told

them I would try to find help and inform them of the results.

Tim E-mailed back to ""try"" a small size and use less than 8 char. in the

file name as he had heard of this before.

Any Help.
Please if you have had this happen or heard of, it let me know

Thank You

Jim Mills
American Woodworking Academy
1304 W. Lark Industrial
Fenton, MO 63026