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HD 510 Assembly

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 3:23 pm
by Jammer
I just purchased the Shark HD 510 CNC machine and am trying to put it together. Following the, not overly instructive, instructions and am the point where the cable carrier has been installed and I am instructed to “place the cables into the cable carrier and close the crossbars”. I don’t see any way to do this because of the barrier created by the machine bolt attaching the carrier to the Y-spar and the Y-spar itself 9blocking entrance to the carrier. Can anyone help me out on how to accomplish this task? A photo or two might be helpful.

Re: HD 510 Assembly

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:00 pm
by zamanma
Hello Jammer, I just bought mine as well. I found that watching the youtube videos on assembly were better than the written instructions and made it easier to follow since I couldn't figure out how to do it from the written instructions. The videos are slightly different than the written but, easier to follow. You may try that if you haven't already. I haven't had a chance to play with mine yet since putting it together so it's possible I put it together incorrectly but we'll see. good luck.

Re: HD 510 Assembly

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 9:13 pm
by Jammer
Thanks for that suggestion. Since posting my request I did find the Youtube video specific to installing the cables and it was very helpful. I might note that it actually conflicted with the written instruction and photo shown in the manual. So mine is now assembled as well but as you say, I have not had a chance to put it to use yet so the real test remains. I was able to activate the little control box and move the router carriage around so I know it works to that extent. Good luck with yours.