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Speed controller 3hp Spindle

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2024 3:14 pm
by firebuster
I just got my 3hp spindle installed and wondering if it can be started and run manually through the speed controller? Also if I set it up according to the directions the speed controller and eCool get plugged into a power strip that plugs into the back of the controller and the controller gets plugged directly into power. So when the controller is turned on the speed controller and cooler start at the same time. Is this how it's supposed to work? I saw a video where it said you must push the emer stop button in and then start the speed controller and cooler first until speed controller says all zeros. Then release the red button to start controller. This won't work if the red button is in because no power goes to speed controller while button is pushed in. As you can tell I'm new at this