Homing Shark 510 Issues

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Homing Shark 510 Issues

Post by whitewaterwoodco »

Hi all,

Recently I got the spoil board kit for my Shark HD 510. After I got it installed and flattened (coplaner), I laid out a 25"x25" 1 inch grid as I wanted some grid lines on the spoil boards to help with alignment. So what I did was after homing the X and Y axis, and using that location as my 0,0 for X and Y, I put in a 20 degree V bit, and profile cut (on vector) the 1" grid. After it was done, I was double checking to see the accuracy as now I can just put in an offset in the x and y axis for my starting point. I put in an offset of 1" on x, and 1" on y on the pendant, and hit My 0,0, which should have taken the spindle to the intersection of the 1",1" square. On the x axis it worked perfectly, but on the y axis it is off by .082, which is over a 1/16 off, and I don't know why this happening? I have done it twice thinking I must have messed up the homing sequence, double checked all toolpaths, but the same issue keeps presenting itself!

Any thoughts?

Thanks all,
Stetson Mumma
Whitewater Wood Company LLC

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