Defective Cable

How-to videos on the CNC Shark

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Defective Cable

Post by markjonesranger »

My Shark HD510 is going on 5 years old. Hundreds of projects. A few years ago I had a defective cable going to the Z motor it had a splice with a open conductor that was in the chain track. They sent me a motor with cable kit. I replaced the cable and it was fixed. Three years later I had this happen.

The cable that comes with a motor is on it's way. 2 day shipping. Total cost is 85.00. I am in the process of making 12 walnut frontiersman candle lanterns.

I also had a 40 year old craftsman router that I bought when I was in my twenties have a motor amature fly apart the same morning. What a great day to have great tools bit the bullet!

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Joined: Mon Aug 17, 2020 3:47 pm
Location: Ozark Mo

Re: Defective Cable

Post by markjonesranger »

All is well. The new cable fixed the issue. Here is a video of the trouble shooting and then the fix.

I am very satisfied with my Shark HD 510. Great tool and a ton of fun and accomplishment.

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