Wear on the Shark

Questions/answers/discussion about initial setup of your CNC Shark

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Wear on the Shark

Post by lsvien »

I've bought my original shark (12x24, black) in 2012. While not a production shop I have used it fair amount in the past 7 years. I noticed recently that I have some play and definite rattle on the long axis. I can grab the gantry and wiggle it back and forth and can feel and hear a loose sounding rattle. The gantry moves approximately 0.01 or more in that direction. That screw is under the middle of the bed and doesn't get as much regular lubrication and cleaning as the rest of the slides and screws because of it's location. Has anyone else experienced wear of the components in their shark? I try and give them slides and screws a regular spray of dry Teflon lubricant. Never used stuff like WD40 or other wet lubricants.

It seems unlikely that the acme screw is worn. I'm wondering if the small disk that the drive screw runs through is worn and needs to be replaced. Haven't' reached out to NWA tech support yet, thought I would ask the wisdom of the herd first.

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Re: Wear on the Shark

Post by Bob »

It sounds like I have an earlier version of your Shark.
After 8 years I replaced all three of the plastic nuts you describe. There was not a lot of play, but enough that replacing the nuts took out all play. Just be sure to clean the lead screws thoroughly on the ends where the nut needs to be twisted off. Also, when you thread the new nuts onto the lead screws, it will seem impossible until you finally wiggle it just right and it fits together easily.
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Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (Developer of the microscope.)

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Re: Wear on the Shark

Post by Kayvon »

Where did you get the replacement pieces, Bob? They're not just nuts, right? Do they have a special name?

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Re: Wear on the Shark

Post by Bob »

I ordered them directly through NWA.
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (Developer of the microscope.)

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