Water Cooled Spindle reapir

Discussion about the CNC Shark Pro Plus

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Water Cooled Spindle reapir

Post by gmm50 »

I started CNCing with Next Wave way back when and they helped me a lot getting started. I'm posting this here to give back to the group. In 2016 we got a water cooled spindle from China on a generic CNC machining. WE have over 5500 hours of running on the clock. Mostly cutting plastic (HPDE) The equipment is in a non heated building and in the winter time the spindle sometimes does not start spinning. We program an 8 second delay on job start.

Last week we started a job and the spindle stopped spinning sometime into the job. Motion kept running so the bit was broken.

Well we took the spindle apart, internally it looked good but we suspected the bearings were gummed up with the original lubricant. Cleaned everything with alcohol and sprayed Tefflow (SP). This is Teflon balls in probably alcohol. Let everything dry, reassembled and now the spindle works as new.

Watch out for the water cooled spindle fading as your usage grows and don't be afraid to take one apart.
Ours was a: 65mm dia Spindle Motor 0.8KW 110V 400HZ

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