HELP on making Tennon!!!

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HELP on making Tennon!!!

Post by enriquewoodcarver »

Im making a cabinet door...the picture that is shown its the panel so Im making a pattern with the same shape....Each shape its a toolpath that I scanned so I put it together....
So I upload it to the machine to start routing it but the toolpaths that are on the side (cut of in half) they machine keeps goin like if its the whole shape even if theres no wood it does the whole shape.... So I want to leave a frame arround the shape so that can be use as the tennon of the panel...
Is theres a way I can do that in the VCarve Pro 6.0???
Thank You
Arabic Panel.png

Phil B
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Re: HELP on making Tennon!!!

Post by Phil B »

If I understand you correctly, you will need to define a tool path for that. Could be a pocket or profile but you want to run an end mill around the perimeter to create that “tenon”.

There are some gotchas with what I describe. If you just use an end mill, that will leave a noticeable step, maybe that’s okay, maybe not. Instead of this sharp drop edge you can use a vee or cove cutter to create a smoother transition.

Another gotcha is that it is preferable that your field pattern be less deep than your “tenon” cut.

I’ve made several doors and panels on the cnc so it can be done, you have to be a little imaginative with the tool paths though.


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Re: HELP on making Tennon!!!

Post by Bob »

And another thought...

The way I'm seeing this, is that it's a VCarve drawing problem. Is this is so, just draw a rectangle around only the area you want to carve. Then use the trim tool (that little pair of scissors) to remove any parts of the drawing you don't want to cut, around the outside of the rectangle.

Or, instead of the trim tool, you could use the node editing function to trim lines. The trim tool is easier to use though.

And, if you get really lost post your file, or attach it to a PM to me. I would be glad to take a look at it. You would need to export it as an eps file though if you want me to see it...I have an older version of VCarve.

Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (Developer of the microscope.)

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Re: HELP on making Tennon!!!

Post by enriquewoodcarver »

I didnt create the toolpath in VCarve....I made a custom made carve...and the piece was gonna reapeat many times so I scanned it and it came out looking like a square with the design in the middle so what I wanted it was to extract the design from the square and heres a picture of the Finnish toolpath so I wanted to prevent the squares and the first pic I showed Its on "Rough mode" so I cant trim it what I actually need to extract the design but I cant :(
Finnish Toolpaht
Finnish Toolpaht

Phil B
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Re: HELP on making Tennon!!!

Post by Phil B »

Unless you have some Z curves in there I didn't see, you'll be a lot better off with a vcarve process.

Even if so, you can still do the outside with vcarve, or cut2d for that matter.


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Re: HELP on making Tennon!!!

Post by enriquewoodcarver »

My boss didnt want me to post the real image with the details because its a custom made carving but I told him about the situation so here it is....
This is the real image this is how we want it to look but we're having that problem on leaving the side for the tennon and I didnt design this in VCarve its a scan and was import it to VCarve to see if I could it edit and also to put em together to form the patterns....

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