Problems with Type

Discussion specifically about the Shark's bigger brother, the CNC Shark Pro

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Problems with Type

Post by kaijorg »

Hi, Brand new here and having trouble with using type. I made the file in VCarvePro (see attached) using V-Carve/Engraving Toolpath and also using the pocket tool path. I am using True Type. The problem is that the bottom of the letters at .25in does not cut evenly and the outline of the letters aren't cutting clean. And when I got it looking the best I could I ran my hero piece of wood and it didn't cut the same way. I have used a 3/16 and 1/4 end mill (up cut for the bottom but also tried down cut) and also tried a flat cut router bit. I am using a 60deg router bit for the outline and around the edges of the letters to give them a bevel.
I have checked the alan screw on the Z-Axis which was tight and doesn't look like it has slipped.The router and the bit in the collet haven't slipped either. The machine is brand new (4K Anniversary Edition or something) and I am new to this. I'm guessing it's something on my part but the machine isn't proven as this is the first thing I have tried with it.
I am saving the tool paths with the post processor "CNCShark-USB Arcs(inch)(*.tap).
The depth is .25 and I have tried 2 and 3 passes to get there. I have used poplar, plywood to test and white oak for the final.
The work piece is clamped with six clamps and I don't see any evidence that it has moved at all. I re-zero the Z-Axis when I change bits.
My file is attached as well as a photo of my latest test run.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I am continuing to watch the videos but haven't run across anything obvious that I am doing wrong.
I apologize but the crv file is from 12/29 using VCarve and the photos are from 1/2/15 using the pocket tool. Similar results with both types.

Thank you.
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Re: Problems with Type

Post by drueth »


When I open your crv file and preview the tool paths I get a pocket with raized letters. In you picture you show the letters cut out with a ring around them. Look at your tool path your step over is to high for the end mill. It is set to 40, I would set it to 8-10, If you want a nice clean pocket.
Looking at the picture I see were the end mill OR the Vbit are not both set to the same zero. The is a setup problem and can be a problem any time you use two different bits. I set my zero the old way by moving the bit down until it touches a card that I lay on my work piece. The card is about 0.01" thick.
If I redo the tool path so it look like your picture I find that the 0.25" EM is to big. The program must use the Vbit to get into much of the pocket area. As far as the small chips left that is always a problem. and has a lot to do with the wood you use and how sharp your bits are.
Shark Pro Plus HD
new to CNC 12/2012

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Re: Problems with Type

Post by drueth »


When I open your crv file and preview the tool paths I get a pocket with raized letters. In you picture you show the letters cut out with a ring around them. Look at your tool path your step over is to high for the end mill. It is set to 40, I would set it to 8-10, If you want a nice clean pocket.
Looking at the picture I see were the end mill OR the Vbit are not both set to the same zero. The is a setup problem and can be a problem any time you use two different bits. I set my zero the old way by moving the bit down until it touches a card that I lay on my work piece. The card is about 0.01" thick.
If I redo the tool path so it look like your picture I find that the 0.25" EM is to big. The program must use the Vbit to get into much of the pocket area. As far as the small chips left that is always a problem. and has a lot to do with the wood you use and how sharp your bits are.
Shark Pro Plus HD
new to CNC 12/2012

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