New installation - why doesn't my touch plate work???

Questions/answers/discussion about initial setup of your CNC Shark

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New installation - why doesn't my touch plate work???

Post by edowney »

I just picked up a slightly used cnc shark and got everything hooked up. I've been using a Chinese machine with Mach3 and when I saw this Shark become available I thought I'd grab it, So I've been playing around with it trying to figure out how the control panel works. I can load up my vcarve files and jog around the board. It came with the shark touch plate so I went through the installation instructions, hooked it up and registered it through the control panel software. According to the install instructions I should be able to click on the Z0 button and a screen should pop up to allow me to use the touch plate. Instead all it does is zero out the Z. I've already tried rebooting the entire system but no go. Any suggestions?

I'd also like to be able to use the virtual setup but it looks like it wants to be able to jump around the board to get readings. In my case that would be difficult as I'm using it to cut vinyl records and I have a jig that has 1/2" bolts sticking up all around the record in order to hold it down so I'm not so sure how the virtual setup thing would work.

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Re: New installation - why doesn't my touch plate work???

Post by sharkcutup »

Make sure that you have the latest version of the control panel for your machine by checking for latest version from NEXT WAVE Automation.

On my control panel screen version there is a button called "detect touch plate". I first check the preferences screen to make sure that the thickness recorded for the Touch Plate has not changed. In my case it should be .375. I then place the touch plate on the material for the job I am about to cut then click on the "detect touch plate button" on the control panel screen. Attach magnet of touch plate to the router collet then follow the instructions on the control panel screen for the touch plate which in my case is jog router z axis down until it contacts touch plate and shows in GREEN on the control panel "circuit has been completed" click on raise router then click "yes" to allow router to repeat/acknowledging the process (router comes down touches plate then returns to a Z-safe position above the plate).

As for the Virtual Zero setup - this is a total of five place settings (usually four corners and near the middle) taken with the touch plate around your project work piece to get variables of your work piece so that the control panel can adjust the g-code z-axis accordingly for the variances (thickness, warpage, etc...) in the job material.

Hope this helps!!!

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Re: New installation - why doesn't my touch plate work???

Post by NewAgent45 »

Hello EDowney,
I see none of the experts have respond yet. I’ll give it a shot.

First off the behavior of the touchplate and virtual zero is a little different depending on the controller firmware. You may want to update it. You may also want to download the guide from the NWA website and read the instructions.
You can view your current version by selecting Help > about

You can update it by selecting Help > [Check For Software updates] I’m assuming your computer is on net.
First of all you will not always want to use virtual zero and you can select no when l0oading your tap file or cancel. I recommend you read the instructions for the version of controller software you are running and run some tests. It has some options that are set in preferences.
When manually using the touchplate you can move the spindle any location on your material it you don’t want to zero z at the x,y 0 location and move it back after zeroing z.

Select: [detect touch plate]

Raise or jog down is only used to give you enough space to position the plate under your bit. With the magnet attached to your spindle chuck and touch the plate to the bit to test the connection. Confirm success on display!

Now position under the bit and in position and select [Yes] The spindle should move down until the bit contacts the touchplate and then retracts. Z zero is set at this point and you need to remove the touchplate. You may get a message reminding you. I don’t always see this message.
If you are doing some testing you can select: [move to zero 0,0,0]. With the latest firmware this first time you select this the spindle will move to x=0, y=0 the second time you select it it should move to z=0. You can manually jog z to raise it without changing the zero settings.
Hope this works! Have a great day!
… Rod

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Re: New installation - why doesn't my touch plate work???

Post by Drjohn71a »

Im having the same problem on my new, as yet unwoking, HD3 Extended Bed unit. I have carefully installed the touch plate per instructions dozens of times, and the control screen does show .374 (yes, I type in .375, but a flashing message keep saying .374 inch touch plate thickness).

But the button to select and use the touchplate never shows up at all. I clearly see that button in the tutorials and instructions.

So, how can I get that touchplate option button to appear?

Note that I. Have installed, uninstalled all the programs. Many many times over more than 50 hours to no avail.

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Re: New installation - why doesn't my touch plate work???

Post by NewAgent45 »

This usually means your touch plate is not registered with NWA. I don't have access to my machine right now to give you detailed instructions. The registration codes should be with the paper work that came with the touch plate.

Hope this helps!

.... Rod

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Re: New installation - why doesn't my touch plate work???

Post by Drjohn71a »

Thx, but I've registered mine and keep all the info sheets in a special folder so have studied them and repeated step by steps. I even photo all the ID numbers so have them on my phone

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Re: New installation - why doesn't my touch plate work???

Post by NewAgent45 »

Does the touch plate registration show up in the controller software? As I recall, it must. As I said I don't have access to my machine right now. I'm getting ready to go out of town and my control computer is locked up in my gun safe.

You may have to contact NWA tech. support. I know it is a pain as I have had to wait a day or so to get a call back from them.

... Rod

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Re: New installation - why doesn't my touch plate work???

Post by Drjohn71a »


I was not properly completing the "Firmware Update". When it listed my codes in blue highlight in the next to last window, I was just clicking on "next", without firmly clicking on the blue highlighted Serial Number first...

Now to figure out how to "select" the clip art pieces in order to make tool paths.

Yes, New Wave Help is OK, but I can only call them from work, many miles from the machine, and have to take notes, pics, etc to try to remember exactly what is happening. I leave home about 5:30 am and get back around 7 pm, so spending so many hours trying to get this thing up and running is quite taxing... I still think it may be worth the cost and trouble, but I'm taking a lot of flack from those around me. I've run AutoCad Inventer for years, and converted to Fusion, along with Photoshop, Procreate, and many 0ther tech programs, but this system is unpredictable to me so far.

I also spent hours leveling and shimming the gantry and router mount even tho it's mounted on a heavy, 2" thick, planed wood bench with 6 2" square steel legs. I was amazed at the discrepancies... 3-6 degrees off.

It'd be nice to have optional longer metal channel gantry supports, router mount, and provision for adjustments.

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Re: New installation - why doesn't my touch plate work???

Post by Drjohn71a »

A special,thanks to Ron of New Agent 45 for steering me to look at the registration process!

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Re: New installation - why doesn't my touch plate work???

Post by Ausworkshop »

I don't think I'll bother with the touch plate after reading all this. Just another thing to cause problems. No thanks! I'll stick with my old Shark and software thanks. I used the new control panel version for a while and found it annoying so went back to the old and it was a relief.
“It’s not that I’m so smart,
it’s just that I stay with problems longer.“
Albert Einstein

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