Unrecognised usb device

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Unrecognised usb device

Post by officeclean »

Hi All,
have only just got my shark pro and i am having an issue with the computer talking to the controller.
I am running a desk top with windows 7 as the operating system.
when i turn on the computer everything is fine for the first 5 Min's or so then i get a message come up on the computer that there is a Unrecognised USB device and the control program will not function anymore. basically I have been able to cut one project ( the bulls head tutorial) and that's it.have spent the best part of the afternoon trying to fix the problem but cant seem to crack it.
I have done all the obvious things like try different USB ports change out the USB leads but nothing seems to help.
the only software that is running is the control software it is a new computer and i have not put any other software on it so I wouldn't think that its a software conflict other than with Windows 7
I am out of ideas and any help would be great.

Thanks Andrew

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Re: Unrecognised usb device

Post by jeb2cav »

Hi Andrew,

There have been several reported issues when using the Win 7 OS. It seems like it may boil down to security control settings - and these default settings on a new computer vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Your report of "it working" for a few minutes then stopping is new to the forum. However, this might all go away if you uninstall everything, including the vcredist, and then reinstall using the run as administrator option when installing. See http://www.cncsharktalk.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=465f or a summary attempt of Win 7 issues.

Another thing you could try without uninstalling is disabling your anti-virus (although I think this is a red herring), and right clicking on the basic panel and selecting run as adminstrator. If that works, I'd enable the AV and try again. Assuming it works, you would not have to uninstall and reinstall anything, just run the basic panel in this manner each time. The referenced link provides some methods on how to set this up so you don't have to right click every time.

If this doesn't work, I think you might as well try the uninstall and reinstall - again installing everything by right clicking on the appropriate .exe file and selecting run as administrator. This will ensure that the installed drivers have the highest access rights and should run every time.

Keep the forum posted on what you found to resolve this.

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Re: Unrecognised usb device

Post by officeclean »

Hi Joe ,
thanks i searched the forum for some time before posting and couldn't find any info then after posting I came across your post which i found very interesting. I followed the info you included including removing the control software and reinstalling it. The machine has no Virus protection other than what is provided in windows 7 its self and i have turned off or turned down every thing I can but still no joy. the computer is in my workshop and has no Internet connection so no need for virus protection also the first think I did after setting up the computer was to install any and all virus protection software that was installed buy HP ( computer is new purchased just to run the shark)

Thanks Andrew

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Re: Unrecognised usb device

Post by jeb2cav »

Hi Andrew,

As you saw from that post, I don't have a Win 7 box, so just summarizing what I've seen so far in case it helps. Some have had luck.

I think the next thing I'd do is go the the HP site and download any firmware updates for your new computer, and any usb and other device drivers that are new for that machine. Believe it or not, there usually are several new ones available, even for a brand new purchase. You may have already done that.

You mentioned that you tried uninstalling and reinstalling as administrator - but did you also uninstall the vcredist stuff, and then reinstall that first, as an administrator (right click on the exe file and select run as administrator), then do the same to install the shark stuff? Again, I'm shooting a little in the dark here, but this might help - or not.

This picture shows the files that are installed when the vcredist_x86.exe from Next Wave is run.
Result of vcredist_x86.exe
Result of vcredist_x86.exe
Not that it will give me any other ideas - but is this a 64 bit machine?

Have you contacted Rockler or Next Wave directly?

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Re: Unrecognised usb device

Post by officeclean »

Hi Joe
Thanks for your help I have run out of ideas but I have been able to find a XP disk for an old computer from what I have read it seem that most people running XP seem to have the least amount of issue ( I have always found that XP is one of the most stable and reliable op systems ) so I am hoping that this will fix the issues I am having.

Thanks Again

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Re: Unrecognised usb device

Post by Bob »

officeclean wrote:Hi All,
have only just got my shark pro and i am having an issue with the computer talking to the controller.
I am running a desk top with windows 7 as the operating system.
when i turn on the computer everything is fine for the first 5 Min's or so then i get a message come up on the computer that there is a Unrecognised USB device and the control program will not function anymore. basically I have been able to cut one project ( the bulls head tutorial) and that's it.have spent the best part of the afternoon trying to fix the problem but cant seem to crack it.
I have done all the obvious things like try different USB ports change out the USB leads but nothing seems to help.
the only software that is running is the control software it is a new computer and i have not put any other software on it so I wouldn't think that its a software conflict other than with Windows 7
I am out of ideas and any help would be great.

Thanks Andrew
This may sound like a really really stupid idea, but I've used it to solve similar problems I have had:
Make sure that all power cords are nowhere near the data cables or any wires going to the motors. Try not to even let them cross. And slide the filter on the Colt power cord as close to the motor as possible. I have been surprised by the messages that don't appear anymore. And, the programs run without error.
Like I said...It seems too simple to work, but it usually solves most problems, and it doesn't cost anything.
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (Developer of the microscope.)

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Re: Unrecognised usb device

Post by officeclean »

Thanks Bob,

The wife saw me looking at the shark and a large hammer at the same time and came up with an idea that I should of thought of myself. Instead of getting upset with the shark why dont you try it using your laptop that way you will know for sure which one is giving you the grief and then you know what needs to be looked at. (don't you hate that)
loaded up the driver and control panel and took the laptop out to the work shop only thing i did different was to sit the laptop on top of the tower pulled the lead from the tower and plugged it in to the laptop loaded up a demo file and hey presto off she went cutting like a dream. only difference is the laptop is running Vista and the desktop is running window 7.
one thing that was very different was that after plugging in the USB cable into the laptop vista straight away detected the shark and loaded the drivers which also required a restart of the laptop and a lengthy install pause on start up, Something that W7 didn't do.
so longer story short the desktop is now sitting on my desk formatting the C drive in ready to install XP.

Couple of thing i wish I new first up
1) I knew about this board before buying
2) hadn't listen to the sales guy that sold me the Shark. I was told that running the shark from a laptop was Not advisable as the voltage output on a laptop USB is only 3.5volts where as a desk top output was 5 Volts. Not buying the desk top would of saved me $1000.00 and about a week of frustration. from what i have read on here a large number are running there Shark from laptops without any trouble.
I am really hoping that XP solves the issues and i can move on

thanks for the input Guys

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Re: Unrecognised usb device

Post by jeb2cav »

Bob's points are well made. I think the sales guy you were talking to is a litle bit out there about volatage...

I think the bottom line is that there are some issues with the Shark software on Win 7 - and most of them probably boil down to user privileges and hardware drivers. I don't write software, so don't know enough to say with authority - but my intuition is a weakness in the Shark installer with Win 7 results in problems for some Shark Win7 users due to "less than optimal for the Shark installer" user privileges/settings on that Win 7 box.

I don't think this is a laptop/desktop issue at all. And there are several Win 7 users who have success. It just seems hard to duplicate.

It does seem to run just fine on XP and Vista - and you don't need a powerhouse at all to run the Shark (good idea to have some power to run VCarve). You almost certainly find an old XP box for $100 used and it would work to run the Shark.

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Re: Unrecognised usb device

Post by officeclean »

Hi All
Thanks for the input and feed back I am grateful for the the help.
I am sorry if I seemed to dismiss the Advice from Bob that wasn't the case and am sorry if that how it came across. :oops: What I meant to say in my last post was that I wished I had know about this forum before I purchased my Shark. Firstly it would of saved me the $1000.00 for the new desk top and I would of realised that running the Shark from my laptop was not going to be an issue. it would of also saved me all the issues I have had with W7.
Anyway again thanks for all the help.

It seems that all my issues are behind me, although going from W7 back to XP wasn't as easy as I had hope my Desk top is now running on XP and all Issues i had with the USB device have gone and the Shark it work just fine.

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Re: Unrecognised usb device

Post by Bob »

Hi Andrew,
Not a problem!
Sometime the best solution is the easiest one, that's where I like to start.
I'm glad things are working out for you.
Last edited by Bob on Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (Developer of the microscope.)

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