Set up a path to run a bunch of stool legs from 1" maple, getting these "bumps" in my edges. Consistent enough on
all four legs that I think it's either in my design graphic or in the machine's interpretation.
Cut passes are .1" each, have 5 tabs holding each leg to the board, using a 1/4" end mill.
Any thoughts on where I should begin to identify and fix the issue? Thanks! Jim
Jim Creighton, Partner
Heirloom Table Home, Hopkinsville, KY
I would start by recommending zooming in on your design graphic at that particular location and look for vectors which should not be there or an abnormal vector.
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Just finished panning an entire leg, found a couple problems, think I fixed them, and have sent a new .tap file to the machine for testing. Will post an update after I run that. Thx
Jim Creighton, Partner
Heirloom Table Home, Hopkinsville, KY
If you haven't already - I'd also look at all the vertices and use the Smooth command on them. If they are just 'points' then the toolpath will try to go to them and then to the 'next' one. You could select all of the vertices along the edges of the legs (while in node editing mode) and tap on the 'S' key to smooth them.
Another technique I've found useful is to select the leg outline, and then use the Fit Curves to selected vectors - either the Arc or Bezier.
I've found that having more vertices than needed can contribute to this - especially knowing that I can use the Smooth/Arc/Bezier and then modify the outcome to match the 'outline' I"m after.
Lastly, I've found that some copy or modification steps result in a large number of additional vertices being created. Again, selecting them and using the Fit Curve function can remove the ones 'not needed'.
Think I'm done fiddling with the cut design - did more clean-up, my last test leg took about three minutes sanding
to clean off the little lines remaining. Interesting, but each of the tabs seems to have a vertical line on each end of the tab. . .
Thanks for the help!
Jim Creighton, Partner
Heirloom Table Home, Hopkinsville, KY
Jim@HeirloomTable wrote:Think I'm done fiddling with the cut design - did more clean-up, my last test leg took about three minutes sanding
to clean off the little lines remaining. Interesting, but each of the tabs seems to have a vertical line on each end of the tab. . .
Thanks for the help!
If you try using the 3D tab feature, it will probably eliminate those vertical lines.
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (Developer of the microscope.)