wireing harness for 2 watt lazer

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wireing harness for 2 watt lazer

Post by dallasperry5 »

I snagged my lazer controller wireing harness and pulled the 5 wires out of the connector going into the controller. Can anyone send me a picture of the location of each wire so I can continue with my project. NWA wants me to send the entire lazer back to them to do the repair. I just need to put them back in the correct location and get my project back going.

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Re: wireing harness for 2 watt lazer

Post by SeaBiscuit »

I have 2 of the 2 watt lasers, I stopped using them when i learned they were not centered on the spindle center mark, the laser seems to move out of alignment during operation (if slightly rotates) and they were underpowered for my needs.

If you are in the US and still want to use the 2w laser, pm me and pay for shipping and i'll send you one of the extra ones I have.

Side note:
I mainly use the Atomstack Lasers... you can still export your gcode out of vcarve and these machines are way more powerful... and more repeatable results. **they only focus on laser work, so makes it easy for them... and frees up my CNCs for cutting.

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Re: wireing harness for 2 watt lazer

Post by markjonesranger »

I can take a picture of my 2 watt laser if you still need it. I upgraded to the 20watt Atomstack that Nextwave sells.

The 2 watt laser never burnt much stuff up. I did a great job of etching wood and it didn't really matter too much on the settngs. The 20 watt will burn a hole through half inch red oak in a couple of passes.

Holler if you need the picture.

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Re: wireing harness for 2 watt lazer

Post by markjonesranger »

How often do you clean your protective lens on the 20 watt?
SeaBiscuit wrote:
Wed Sep 04, 2024 7:40 pm
I have 2 of the 2 watt lasers, I stopped using them when i learned they were not centered on the spindle center mark, the laser seems to move out of alignment during operation (if slightly rotates) and they were underpowered for my needs.

If you are in the US and still want to use the 2w laser, pm me and pay for shipping and i'll send you one of the extra ones I have.

Side note:
I mainly use the Atomstack Lasers... you can still export your gcode out of vcarve and these machines are way more powerful... and more repeatable results. **they only focus on laser work, so makes it easy for them... and frees up my CNCs for cutting.

Opt Lasers
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Re: wireing harness for 2 watt lazer

Post by Opt Lasers »

Keeping the lens clean is definitely crucial for maintaining performance.
Good results using 99.9% anhydrous IPA, as it evaporates quickly without leaving residue.
Have you noticed any particular buildup on your lens over time, or does regular cleaning seem to keep it in top shape?

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